$500, $5K, $20K, $500K

$500, $5K, $20K, $500K

(by Dave Maloney) This is Post 3 of 3. It, along with two additional posts, will address when qualified appraisals are required, when they must be attached to the taxpayer’s return, and related issues. See Post 1 of 3. See Post 2 of 3.

Let’s review IRS requirements regarding non-cash charitable donations at various value points, and associated appraisal-related issues.

Continue reading “$500, $5K, $20K, $500K”

IRS Guidance for Art Exceeding $20K or $50K FMV

IRS Guidance: Donation Appraisals for Artwork Exceeding $20K or $50K FMV

(by David Maloney, updated March 2011) Taxpayers and appraisers often refer to IRS Pub 561 Determining the Value of Donated Property in order to ascertain what constitutes a qualified appraisal, i.e., what IRS-required elements of information must be contained in appraisals of property being donated for which a deduction in excess of $5,000 is being claimed by the taxpayer.

But in addition to Pub 561, the IRS Office of Art Appraisal Services (AAS) has issued additional amplifying guidance regarding the appraisal of donated works of art which are valued at over $20,000 or $50K.

Continue reading “IRS Guidance for Art Exceeding $20K or $50K FMV”